Sunday, December 13, 2015

Days 10-13: Etsy vs Craft Shows

Setting up the Crafty Wonderland booth for Deck & Lock Rocks.
Things have been quiet here on the etsy re-vamp front. Instead, we spent the last three days at Crafty Wonderland, selling more in 2 days than I usually do in 7 months on etsy. Talking with another long-time etsy seller there, she said that this year etsy for her was down by 70%, while’s handmade was picking up. It definitely begs the question whether the time spent on etsy is worth it. Are there better (and easier) ways to make money with crafts? Definitely seems like it.

I’ve been with etsy long enough, though, and perhaps I’m just stubborn enough, that it seems fair to give it one last shot.

Over the last four days I’ve averaged $8/day, and that’s without any time spent on etsy or in making any improvements. For the most part, etsy is a fire that needs to be constantly stoked. In other words, ignoring it for 4 days isn’t doing my shop any favors, but I also really can’t complain too much about $30 with no effort.

Days 10-13 - December 10th - 13th

Etsy Sales: Average $7.78/day
Etsy Views: 174/day
Total Etsy Items: 392 (20 expired)
Updated Etsy Items: 3/392
Facebook Likes: 320
Instagram Followers: 499

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