Monday, December 7, 2015

Day 7: Better Photos and First Images on Etsy

Having really, really good "first" photos on etsy is key. You can have an amazing product, but with dark, blurry, bad photos, you won't get many sales at all. 

Roughly half of my listings on etsy are just low-resolution, watermarked version of the full sheet (see example on left below). Nothing fancy at all, and hard to see online. So as I go about my shop remodel, I'm looking for new, better ways to portray my digital downloads.
At first I thought I'd show the images in use. Quite a few sellers are mocking-up their images on pendants and glass tiles and they look good. I tried it....even scanned in dozens and dozens of blank pendants and set up ways to input my images...but it just wasn't me. It didn't feel right to follow that particular trend. In general I'm stubborn, and would rather innovate than follow. 
So for now I'm scrapping the pendant mock-ups in favor of my old collaged style default (3-4 larger images as the focus, like the Valentine circles at top right). I like it; it's my style. And companies have even licensed those first-image-collages for products such as wall art and calendars. I'm worried my reluctance to copy other successful shops' styles is short sighted; that sometimes it's better to be a follower. But having thought about it over several days, I just can't do it. Thus, the next step is seeing if I can improve upon my current collaged style. Perhaps there's a hybrid version that's still me.

In other, very, very exciting news, a good amount of sales today. I really hope this is the beginning of a trend!

Day 7 - December 7th
Etsy Sales: $20.82
Etsy Views: 189 (down quite a bit)
Total Etsy Items: 412
Updated Etsy Items: 3/412
Facebook Likes: 320 (+2)
Instagram Followers: 497

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