Friday, March 13, 2009

Step 1: Revive my blog

I am admittedly not a good blogger. Before yesterday, my last post was more than six months ago. But I also know the value of a good blog in keeping people informed. Pretty much all of the top handmade sellers on etsy have timely, informative blogs that they keep updated on a regular basis. Some of my favorites at the moment include:

The Black Apple
Petite House
Berkley Illustration

One of the major reasons that writing posts has been hard for me is my lack of information about whether I'm talking to a big, empty room or not. So, today's task in my plan for World Domination (also know as how to pay the mortgage and health insurance is): Blog Statistics.

My first step is to head over to the etsy forums and search "blog stats." From there, it seems that both google analytics and stat counter are fairly well received. I'll start today with google since I already use them for my etsy shop. Following these instructions, I've added the code and....

Oh ... well apparently I'll have to wait up to 24 hours to see.... stay tuned to see what's up.

In the mean time, see these helpful articles in the storque about how to add google analytics to your etsy store.

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